Liability Form for Foot Care Nurse Course 


 I, hereby agree to the terms and conditions set forth by the Advanced Foot Care Nurse and Wellness Centre Inc. in relation to the Advanced Foot Care Nurse Course,  Skills Workshops or Entrepreneurship series courses.  

1. I understand that all course/workshop hours must be completed to receive a “Certificate of Completion” from Advanced Foot Care Nurse and Wellness Centre Inc. 

2. I acknowledge that course expectations include achieving an 80% or greater score on the exam and completing the Practical skills evaluation checklist in full, signed by the instructor, with all practical skills achieved.

 3. The time limit to complete the theory or online course program is 6 months. After this time the course will expire for access.

4. All fees are non-refundable once received. In the event of an emergency preventing attendance, re-application may be possible with program facilitator approval and subject to availability.  

5. I agree to attend the clinical portion of the program for all three days at the agreed-upon dates and location specified in this form.

6. I confirm that I have personally completed this form and provided accurate information. I understand that the prerequisites provided will be verified.

 7. I consent to the course instructors obtaining personal information necessary for verifying my course application and ensuring confidentiality. 

8. I grant permission for the course instructors to post fun pictures for social media, provided that I authorize such action prior to any photography.  I acknowledge and accept the terms outlined in this Liability Form. Authorization Form/Informed Consent FOR Advanced Foot Care Nurse Program SERVICES

9. The educational theory program and information being provided by Advanced Foot Care Nurse and Wellness Inc., or any affiliates or clinical partners of Advanced Foot Care Nurse Inc. to assist me in the starting-up or entry-level entrance to the Advanced Foot Care Nurse Course, skills workshop  or entrepreneurship course series is the collection of experiences and knowledge obtained by them. I DO NOT hold the company Advanced Foot Care Nurse and Wellness Centre Inc. or any of its affiliates legally responsible in any way for my outcomes financially, my future succession as an entrepreneur or for how you provide services to future clients or your care skills performed.

10. No Liability for Advice, Education or skills taught, The Advisor or Clinical Partner shall not be liable, answerable or accountable for any loss or damage resulting from the advice given by the Advisor/ Clinical Partner or the exercise by the Advisor of discretion or its refusal to exercise discretion, provided that the Advisor has acted faithfully, diligently and honestly and is not in breach of any of its obligations hereunder.

11. There are NO refunds for any of the online theory courses and/or clinical once payment has been made.

12. ***Course/workshop online access will expire 30 days after completion

13. Courses are completed online by students and are self-guided. Communication to teachers and course providers is done through the "discussions tab" on some individual chapters as seen, some courses may also have a 1 hour mentorship call included, all students have access to the Foot Masters Community Hub for 1 year. Communication and questions outside of these set up discussion structures is not included. There are separate course and mentorship packages available for your further needs or education requirements.